Ali Torabi

Digital Architecture & Technology

Altering the object material in PARA 3D »« Replace items in PARA 2.6

what objects can we use in surface controller?

Here is a short video explaining what type of objects you can use in surface controller.

we can summaries all as following:

  1. NURBS objects with at least one surface inside. If surface is trimmed the based surface (surface before trimming) will be considered as target surface. if more than one surface exist in the object you can choose the surface from the drop down menu.
  2. UVW mapping of any kind of object can also be the source of data in surface controller. for this the target object must have at least one UVW map channel. This option is not preferredĀ  option but can be used for NURBS surfaces to obtain uniform divisions on the surface.
  3. Objects with edit poly modifier on top. This type of surfaces must have quad polygons. If the surface contains singularity point(s) (A point which more than four polygons intersect) then UV directions cannot be computed along the surface. In this case you can use the surface controller in 1D mode and the array counts must be set to one dimensional array.

Also as a general rule, surface controller in 2d Arrays cannot be used on objects which have more than one smooth manifold (surface), for example a cylinder with top and bottom caps does not represent one surface while a cylinder (tube) without caps can be described as one single manifold.

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February 26, 2012 at 12:22 pm
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