

Parametric Zoo is pleased to announce the release of Para 3d Version 4.62 - available for immediate download here. You may also want to try our latest demo release please go ahead and click here.

V4.62 contains some new features, important bug fixes and is the most stable and capable version to date.

Get free Paraflows!

We have added a new section to our website where you can download free Paraflows (.para files). Paraflows can be used only with commercial version of Para 3d and allows user to share the ruled based design without sharing their actual 3DS MAX files. If you are looking for a solution to a specific problem you can ask for a Paraflow by posting your question on Para 3d forum, Our team will be more than happy to assist you!  

As always we would love to hear from you, so please email us if you have any questions, comments or just want to say hello.

Happy designing!


The Parametric Zoo team.